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“There are days I feel so great…like there isn’t anything I can’t do. Great workouts, my daughter, my work, I can handle anything. Then there are days I can barely get out of bed, I’m so tired. I’ve seen so many doctors, allergists, healers, nothing’s worked. I get pretty down about it and FEEL COMPLETELY STUCK.”

If this is you, I get you. Because I've been there. That's why I became a Chronic Stress Counselor. To help you find a new, better way to live.



“There are days I feel so great…like there isn’t anything I can’t do. Great workouts, my daughter, my work, I can handle anything. Then there are days I can barely get out of bed, I’m so tired. I’ve seen so many doctors, allergists, healers, nothing’s worked. I get pretty down about it and FEEL COMPLETELY STUCK.”

If your inner world feels like a state of turmoil, there is a better way. 



"What can I expect from working with Scott?"

  • A new awareness for how your inner world works

  • Playbooks and toolkits to help you move more quickly out of states of chronic emotional distress to a calmer state

  • A new approach to treating and healing chronic physical illness

  • New levels of emotional and physical stress-resiliency

  • A newfound ability to live in the present, not in past patterns 

  • Greater inner peace -- Self-led, guided by you, from your core Self

When people are Self-led, rather than ‘hijacked’ by Parts, they can discern choice – thoughtful response vs. automatic reaction. 
When Parts blend with us and mask Self, we embody the physiological profile of the blended Part, as though we are living in the Part’s body. Parts can have a tremendous impact on our bodies. If you're not listening to them or they've got no other way to get through to you, they … are going to do something, and it might be a physical disease.

— Dr. Richard Schwartz, Founder,

Illnesses of mind and body are not accidents; they arise out of life's experiences, more often than not from childhood experiences... illnesses are manifestations of our lives. People who are extra nice are prone to autoimmune disease. Historical self-suppression flares up inflammation. Ask the right questions and commit to the right counseling approach and inflammation subsides.
— Dr. Gabor Mate'

When people are Self-led, rather than ‘hijacked’ by Parts, they can discern choice – thoughtful response vs. automatic reaction. 
When Parts blend with us and mask Self, we embody the physiological profile of the blended Part, as though we are living in the Part’s body. Parts can have a tremendous impact on our bodies. If you're not listening to them or they've got no other way to get through to you, they … are going to do something, and it might be a physical disease.

— Dr. Richard Schwartz, Founder,

Illnesses of mind and body are not accidents; they arise out of life's experiences, more often than not from childhood experiences... illnesses are manifestations of our lives. People who are extra nice are prone to autoimmune disease. Historical self-suppression flares up inflammation. Ask the right questions and commit to the right counseling approach and inflammation subsides.
— Dr. Gabor Mate'


"What can I expect from working with Scott?"

  • A new awareness for how your inner world works

  • Playbooks and toolkits to help you move more quickly out of states of chronic emotional distress to a calmer state

  • A new approach to treating and healing chronic physical illness

  • New levels of emotional and physical stress-resiliency

  • A newfound ability to live in the present, not in past patterns 

  • Greater inner peace -- Self-led, guided by you, from your core Self

The Journey to
Self-Lead Healing

The multi-stage approach outlilned to the right of this note helps clients understand what the journey to Self-Led Healing looks like and how Parts Work (supported by other tools in the toolkit) powers their journey.


I've not provided all the details simply to keep it easy to read for now. In brief, as with most journeys, there are several stages to move through and a person can find themselves in more than one stage at any one time. The multi-stage approach helps clients understand where they are at any one time, helps them "see and feel" what's next, and structures how we will work together to move forward to the state of Self-Led Healing.


This process helps clients learn to more smoothly move in and out of their emotional "window of tolerance", which widens as they build greater emotional resilience and physical calm.

You Are Not Really Living, You’re Just Surviving.
Stress and anxieties come in patterned waves; one week you're good, another a mess, sometimes with incessantly negative thought loops and multiple "voices" racing around inside your brain and body, sometimes at odds (or war) with each other. Also, you may find yourself with physical symptoms multiple doctors haven't been able to solve, such as headaches, digestive problems, brain fog, a suddenly racing heart rate, or weird body aches.



Your life doesn't necessarily have less stress; it's that you can now move through and past moments of stress into a state of calm more easily and smoothly than you ever have. The past doesn't haunt or create nearly as much distress in your mind or body. You've reached a place of inner-world emotional peace and, finally, significanly better physical health:

You are healing:
The parts of us carrying trauma, pain, and burdens no longer live in an extreme state; the body rests; the mind resets.
You are becoming Self-Led:
Clarity about boundaries – the ways to engage with others and how others engage with us -- is emerging. You "know" in your mind, heart, body, and soul that you are living with more internal and external congruence. 

Training &



We all have many parts to our personalities and bodies. Understanding roles parts play, the burdens they carry, and the "exiled" parts of us that have been seriously wounded is the way to heal our inner world. No framework has helped me more; Parts Work can help you too.

> IFS Level I (Pending)

> Internal Family Systems -- Online Circle; Continuity Programs

> Parts Work Academy: Jordin James



Few of life's experiences are as challenging than when we become stuck in a state of chronic stress, unable and ill-equipped to avoid sinking into prolonged sadness or jetting into hyper-arousal. I help people become unstuck from their current state of chronic stress and trauma through IFS (see above) and other stress|trauma-specific modalities. I also specialize in helping people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (aka Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), having lived through the anxieties and struggles myself.

> Components Based Psychotherapy (CBP)

> Traumatic Stress Studies

> EMDR Certification (In Progress)


and Somatics

From meditation and breath work to yoga and pilates, practices that bring mind and body together in awareness can help people move through chronic stress|trauma to achieve long-lasting healing and health. When appropriate, I bring the mindful deployment of psychedelic medicines (e.g., psilocybin, ketamine) through partnerships with deeply knowledgable and experienced practitioners.

> SmartBody SmartMind (In Progress)‍

> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) School (In Progress)

> Mind-Body Coaching

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