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I help people who are stuck in two unique, difficult life situations (leveraging Parts Work in both cases):

As a Chronic Stress Counselor, I guide people stuck in chronic stress and unresolved physical illness to a smoother way to live;

As a LifeStage Coach, I guide people stuck in midlife by helping them envision and build a second half worth living.

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If your inner world feels like a state of turmoil, there is a better way. 


Do you wave in and out of stress and anxiety? Do you suffer from an illness no one can solve? Stalled with your current therapist?

If your inner world feels like a state of turmoil, there is a better way. 

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Navigating midlife can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Do you have a vision for the second half of life? Or a plan to make it happen?

I'm here to guide you out of the Messy Middle of midlife to the future you never thought possible.

Hey there! Do you want more calm and peace in your life? Great! 
I'm here to help! 

Hey there! Do you want more calm and peace in your life? Great! I'm here to help! 

I help people who are stuck in two unique, difficult life situations (leveraging Parts Work in both cases):

As a Chronic Stress Counselor, I guide people stuck in chronic stress and unresolved physical illness to a smoother way to live;

As a LifeStage Coach, I guide people stuck in midlife by helping them envision and build a second half worth living.

(Parts Work) is the only thing that made a lasting dent in my chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal, immune, thyroid, and neurological problems. I was able to quickly recognize a link between the psychological problems I was experiencing everyday to specific, deeply held trauma. Now, I use this knowledge to connect with the Parts of me that use illness to communicate.
I didn't think I was in an actual 'crisis'. But the confusion and inner turmoil was exactly that. The future, especially that I'm so much closer to the end of life, scared the hell out of me. Parts Work helped me understand that it was just individual parts of me that were scared and resisting building the new life I didn't even consider was possible.

What is Parts Work?

Check out the basics of this powerful and intuitive approach to understanding how our inner worlds work and how that insight can help us live in greater peace with ourselves and the world.


Do you wave in and out of stress and anxiety? Do you suffer from an illness no one can solve? Stalled with your current therapist?

If your inner world feels like a state of turmoil, there is a better way. 


Navigating midlife can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Do you have a vision for the second half of life? Or a plan to make it happen?

I'm here to guide you out of the Messy Middle of midlife to the future you never thought possible.


Do you wave in and out of stress and anxiety? Do you suffer from an illness no one can solve? Stalled with your current therapist?

If your inner world feels like a state of turmoil, there is a better way. 


Navigating midlife can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Do you have a vision for the second half of life? Or a plan to make it happen?

I'm here to guide you out of the Messy Middle of midlife to the future you never thought possible. 

(Parts Work) is the only thing that made a lasting dent in my chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal, immune, thyroid, and neurological problems. I was able to quickly recognize a link between the psychological problems I was experiencing everyday to specific, deeply held trauma. Now, I use this knowledge to connect with the Parts of me that use illness to communicate.
I didn't think I was in an actual 'crisis'. But the confusion and inner turmoil was exactly that. The future, especially that I'm so much closer to the end of life, scared the hell out of me. Parts Work helped me understand that it was just individual parts of me that were scared and resisting building the new life I didn't even consider was possible.

What is Parts Work?

Check out the basics of this powerful and intuitive approach to understanding how our inner worlds work and how that insight can help us live in greater peace with ourselves and the world.

I became a Chronic Stress Counselor to help people navigate through states of emotional distress that often include one sort of physical illness or another that they’ve not been able to solve that have become a way of life vs. a moment in time. As a result, so many find themselves stuck in states of emotional anxiety and physical distress. 


The second service I offer is LifeStage Coaching. Many people over 40 are ill-equipped to gracefully explore or embrace the completely new and difficult challenges they now face in middle age. Most find themselves stuck, teetering without a net or playbook on a tightrope between old, ego-driven mindsets and behaviors on one side and on the other the second half of life, which be confusing, frustrating, or simply frightening. 


I became a Chronic Stress Counselor to help people navigate through states of emotional distress that often include one sort of physical illness or another that they’ve not been able to solve that have become a way of life vs. a moment in time. As a result, so many find themselves stuck in states of emotional anxiety and physical distress. 


The second service I offer is LifeStage Coaching. Many people over 40 are ill-equipped to gracefully explore or embrace the completely new and difficult challenges they now face in middle age. Most find themselves stuck, teetering without a net or playbook on a tightrope between old, ego-driven mindsets and behaviors on one side and on the other the second half of life, which be confusing, frustrating, or simply frightening. 


Parts Model in relation
to stress and anxiety

The podcast explored health challenges and the Parts Work modality, where Scott Doniger shared his journey of using 'parts work' therapy to recover from chronic fatigue. 

May 14, 2023 Interview in Support of Mental Health Month on Good Morning Vail

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